
Declaration on Building a Community for Public Transport Development at 2021 China (Beijing) International Public Transport Conference
(November 12th, 2021)

       我们,来自全球公共交通及其相关行业的代表,于2021年11月12日在中国北京举行国际公共交通大会,以“出行变革 数智未来”为主题,致力于未来发展的共同愿景,共商共建更加人本友好、更加便捷通畅、更加舒适安全、更加节能环保、更加灵活多样的公共交通,让城市出行生活更美好。
We, representatives of the public transport sector and related industries from around the world, hold the International Conference on Public Transport in Beijing, China, on November 12th, 2021. With “Digitalization and Intelligence Transform the Mobility Landscape” as the conference theme, we are committed to the shared vision of developing public transport systems that are more human-oriented, convenient and expedite, comfortable and safe, energy-saving and eco-friendly, flexible and diversified, to make our urban mobility a more enjoyable experience.

The public transport is the artery of urban operation, the bond of mutual learning among civilizations, and the representation of cutting-edge technological development. We respond to the initiative of the second United Nations Global Conference on Sustainable Development of Public Transport. We adhere to the belief that public transport should be developed in coordination with the development of economy, science and technology, advancement of social civilization, and harmonious coexistence with nature. With a strong desire to build a community for the development of public transport and solicit full support from all stakeholders to achieve its sustainable development, we hereby declare:

       1. 我们认识到,人类对美好出行的追求从未停止。公共交通尤其是地面公交是改善交通最简单、最经济和最便捷的方式,关乎政府基本公共服务水平。我们注意到,世界正经历百年未有之大变局,新冠肺炎疫情仍在全球蔓延,新一轮科技革命和产业变革方兴未艾,城市交通出行需求、结构和内涵发生重大变革,正朝着电动化、智能化、网联化、共享化、一体化、绿色化发展。
1.We recognize that human being's pursuit of good quality transport has never ceased. Improving public transport, especially ground transportation, is the most straightforward, economical, and convenient means to ease traffic, which reflects the basic public service level of the government. We note that the world is experiencing profound changes unseen for a century. As the COVID-19 is still spreading around the world, and a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is still unfolding at an unabated pace, the needs, structure, and connotation of the urban transport have thus experienced major changes, evolving towards an electric, intelligent, networked, shared, integrated and green system.

2.We reaffirm that we will adhere to the passenger-centered development philosophy, respect people’s equal rights to travel, attend to the mobility needs at different levels, address the imbalance in the public transport development between different regions and between urban and rural areas, and fully recognize the mobility inconveniences people who are vulnerable or physically handicapped face. With the rationale that “Mobility as Life”, we aim to turn the public transport into mobile life scenes that are convenient, accommodative, comfortable and safe, by providing more diversified, equalized, user-friendly, refined, and quality services.

3.We are determined to empower the development of public transport with advanced technologies, stimulate the interconnectedness of the major elements in operating and manufacturing, implement changes in operating structures, mechanisms, management and procedures, reshape models of operating and manufacturing, asset management and industrial collaboration, build “smart vehicles”, “intelligent stops”, “digitalized routes”, and “mobile networks”, promote the development of digitalized, networked, and intellectualized public transport systems, with an aim to guide the innovations in passenger transport.

4. In response to the call of the “Carbon Emission Peak” and “Carbon Neutrality”, we spare no efforts to build public transport systems that use new energy and/or clean energy, develop facilities technology pathway that is energy-saving, eco-friendly, safe and efficient, construct scientifically sound energy supply systems, promote the integrated development of the public transport network, infrastructure network, energy supply network, and information network, and take the lead in achieving the goal of “Carbon Emission Peak” in the public transport sector.

5.We bear in mind that safety is the red line and the bottom line for public transport development. We strive for safety development throughout the whole process of production, operation, and management, improve the essential safety of the public transport infrastructure and equipment, strengthen the ability for early warning, prevention, and control of safety incidents and crisis, in an attempt to achieve the goal of “zero hidden dangers, zero accidents, and zero deaths”.

6.We attach great importance to the cultural and historical aspect of the public transport development. Public transport is a “mobile name card” and an irreplaceable urban cultural element. We promote the inheritance and development of urban cultures, enrich and display cultural connotations of cities, and make public transport an important vehicle for maintaining good local practices and customs and for establishing social morals and regional culture.

7.We call on all stakeholders in the public transport sector, including passengers, bus operators, business partners, research institutions, local communities, and governments of various levels, to take more joint action to develop the public transport ecosystem. More specifically, we would like to strengthen dialogue, consultation and coordination, promote cooperation in various fields, take concerted action to tackle various risks and challenges, and build a more closely knit community conducive to the sustainable development of public transport.

8.We welcome guidance from high-level political leaders with regard to ways to properly address and/or prevent public transport problems. We call on the governments to adhere to the strategy that prioritizes public transport development, lay down relevant policies, laws and regulations, plans, and standards, and take practical actions to ensure the public transport sector’s priority in land use for facility building, in investment arrangement, in allocation of way right, and in fiscal and tax support. As such we reinforce the public transit oriented urban development model, and enhance the reliability, stability, sustainability of, and interest in, public transport development. We appeal to the governments, enterprises, and the general public to work together to care for drivers and conductors with regard to their occupational health and safety, working environment, and remuneration package, so as to make their occupation a respectable and decent one.

9.We strive to develop worldwide communications and collaborations on urban public transport. By effectively disseminating information, knowledge and experience, we volunteer to share our best public transport practices; by taking all-round, multi-tiered, and multi-field joint or concerted actions, we are pooling wisdom and resources to promote the modernization of the global public transport governance system and capacity.

10.We cherish the hope that the consensus we have reached today will be conducive to the sustainability of public transport development and to the well-being of the present and future generations. We will keep up the momentum to strive for a great future that we truly desire.